Reboot Wellness Coaching

Redefine Possibilities,

Embrace Renewal!

Are you struggling to return to:

  • your usual activities?

  • your favorite sports?

  • your favorite recreational activities?

  • your life in general?

Physical therapist working with client on plyometrics to return to sport

I understand EXACTLY how it feels:

  • Being of extremely fatigued with even the smallest tasks

  • Being overwhelmed by the grocery store and the inability to do your usual weekly food shopping

  • Unable to stand for prolonged periods to without feeling dizzy, lightheaded or off balance.

  • Unable to do the things you enjoy due to immense fatigue from work and your daily responsibilities.

  • Unable to do things like you used to without feeling like you’re “paying for it later”

physical therapist cueing patient during kettlebell hip hinge

Meet Your Coach:

Chelsea Brown

I understand the frustration of not being able to do what you want due to both personal and professional experience.

As a previous D1 athlete, I was immensely frustrated when I couldn’t workout after having COVID without dizziness, excessive increase in heart rate and extreme fatigue. I utilized my knowledge of return to sport post concussion to guide myself back to exercise without limitations.

I was lucky enough to have access to this knowledge and therefore was able to address my symptoms quickly! I understand how others could benefit from similar resources and programming and I want to be able to help YOU achieve YOUR goals, big and small.

My passion falls in returning YOU to YOUR prior self and helping you find joy in your life again.

I keep things 100% individualized to meet your current capacity needs and goals, whether it is returning to sport/competition or just to be able to independently complete ADLs. There are no cookie cutter programs with Reboot Wellness Coaching.

Picture of Reboot Wellness Coach and Physical Therapy- Dr. Chelsea Brown

What does 1:1 Reboot Wellness Coaching Look Like?

Individual Assessment

Programming will start with an individual assessment. Assessments can be performed in-person or virtually. During this assessment, we will discuss your goals and current capacity and perform assessments to determine activity tolerance.

APP Based Personalized Programming

After your assessment, you will be provided with a log in to an app to receive your individualized programming. The app will allow you to access and track your exercises. Program will be uploaded in 2-4 days following your initial assessment.

Communication With Your Coach

TWO 15 minute Check In call with your coach to discuss and alter your programming.

Between calls, you can message with your coach through the app! Messages will be responded to Monday-Friday.

Weekly Check-in forms

Allow yourself to look back on the week, acknowledge the wins and potential challenges. This check-in form will hit your inbox on Friday. Fill it out by Sunday night to help your coach make alterations to your programming.


First Month: $550 which includes the monthly programming and 60 minute initial assessment

Subsequent Months: $300/ month

There are no cookie cutter programs, each program will be individualized and tailored to meet your needs, current capacity and goals.

Change and growth takes time and trust in the process as such there is a 3 month minimum requirement for all coaching clients.